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March 11, 2025 -Sadly it looks like our ski season is melting down! Our last grooming was 10 days ago and with several warm days and rain the ski trails are quickly dissolving. We are soon approaching the mud season so please don’t do any activity that will leave any mud ruts on any trails.
We’ve had below freezing temperatures for a month combined with several snowstorms to create the perfect snow conditions at Libby Hill! The ski trails are well groomed and new this year we have a snowdog that packs two of the hiking trails, Lynx and Harold Libbey, for biking and hiking. You can also snowshoe on […]
In addition to groomed ski trails, Mo Russo is using a ‘snow dog’ to pack the Lynx and Harold Libbey trails for hikers, bikers, and dog walkers. You can still use snowshoes on these trails but you may not need them. The Outback and Thayer Brook Trails remain unpacked and suitable for snowshoes. We haven’t […]
Our dedicated groomers (Carl Holmquist, Mo Russo, Tyler Holmquist, and others) are out at all hours when the snow finally comes to Libby Hill! Often times this can be the middle of the night. Equipment breaks, trees block trails, deer run by, and snow conditions are different every time. So much happens behind the scenes […]
This year’s race was postponed by one day due to near 100 degree temperatures on the summer solstice. However, a day later over 100 people were able to participage in the Longest Day 5 K at Libby Hill Trails. Thanks to all the volunteers, runners, and sponsors who made this another successful event! Race results […]
The construction of an obstacle course at the Middle School required that the entrance of the Moose Odessey trail be rerouted to allow snow grooming. You will find the new section behind the basketball court and kiosk by the trail. Many thanks to Mo Russo and the town crew who got the section built last […]