Current Trail Conditions

March 19 – A hard packed ski base is slowly dissolving away as spring sun continues to melt the snow. By the end of this week bare ground will be showing in multiple locations. We are removing winter trail rules and all trails are now open to allowed activities. Please be cautious of muddy conditions and avoid any activities that may cause ruts.

Please note overflow parking is available at the parking area behind the high school baseball field. This is on your right 400 feet before the trail head parking. Please use this lot when the parking lot has more than 10 cars. On weekends when school is not in session, you may park in any lot.

Help us report current ski conditions. We are experimenting with posting trail conditions as reported by trail users. To see the most recent condition posting see our Facebook page where the top post will be for trail conditions.

You can also leave a comment below to report trail conditions, please also include the date.

Ski trails are groomed! Remember skiers only on trails, no dogs, hikers, or bikers. Narrow hiking trails are open for those activities.