Avid Hikers Conquer Two Trail Systems

Six energetic hikers took a tour of both trail systems crossing between Libby Hill Trails and Thayer Brook Preserve today. The 4.5-mile hike showed the best wild and natural sides of both preserves. Everyone got to know each other over the 3-hour trek and scoped out future loop hikes that they can take on their next visit. Digital maps were a big hit with trail users who put them to use at the many trail intersections. Mushrooms, chipmunks, owl scat, and beaver dams were the natural highlights today.

We may repeat this hike on Saturday, Oct 29th at 9am but this time using the RRCT Ramsdell Road access point. If you are interested in a future hike, please contact us. Now is a wonderful time to get out and explore the trails. Remember that our trails are safe during hunting season since this is in a wildlife sanctuary which bans hunting.

Ski trails are groomed! Remember skiers only on trails, no dogs, hikers, or bikers. Narrow hiking trails are open for those activities.