
Directions to the Trail Head (50 Libby Hill Road, Gray, Maine)
Libby Hill Trails start behind the Gray New Gloucester Middle School.  The Middle School is located on Libby Hill Road.  To find the school, proceed to Gray Maine (Exit 63 Maine Turnpike).  In the center of town take Route 26 north for approximately 1.4 miles or alternatively take the new bypass (26A).  You will approach a traffic signal, take the left turning lane onto Libby Hill Road, proceed until the paved road ends at the GNG Middle School.  Park on the right in a paved just before the paved road ends.  A welcome kiosk with maps and info is located here. Do Not proceed up gravel road with your vehicle. No parking is allowed on the dirt section of Libby Hill Road. Behind the kiosk is an ATV trail which is not part of the trail system but can be used by the public.

The trails begin in two locations. The first entrance is across the street from the parking lot, the Lynx Trail. This narrow trail intersects the wider Moose Odyssey then splits off to take you to the top of Libby Hill where you can access several other trails.

The other entrance (best for skiers) is on the school grounds on the other side of the chain link fences that surround the athletic fields.  Proceed to the trail head kiosk by walking around the driveway behind the school or go around the front of the school and proceed through the gate of the fence to the trail kiosk.

Printed maps are NOT available however laminated maps are at most trail intersections.  A smart phone map from Google Maps is also available or print one from our trail map page.

Satellite image of Libby Hill Forest Trails
Google Maps Satellite View of Parking area and Trail Heads

View Libby Hill Trails Parking in a larger map

Ski trails are groomed! Remember skiers only on trails, no dogs, hikers, or bikers. Narrow hiking trails are open for those activities.