Hike of Thayer Brook and Libby Hill Trails – Oct 29- 9 am

We are getting lots of questions on how to access the new Thayer Brook Preserve from Libby Hill Trails. You now have many options to do loop hikes that can be from two to five miles long. We have a suggested hike page that outlines a hiking route from either the high school or Ramsdell Road which you are welcome to explore on your own.

We are planning to do a group hike on Saturday, October 29th, at 9am. This will be a four-mile hike and take around 3 hours. You’ll learn navigation tips, options for different loops, the best wildlife viewing areas, and the history of the land. The rain date will be Sunday at the same time. We’ll meet at the Thayer Brook Parking Area at 62 Ramsdell Road.

Space is limited to 15 hikers, and we are making reservations for the hike so if you are interested contact us at LibbyHillTrails@gmail.com.

Ski trails are groomed! Remember skiers only on trails, no dogs, hikers, or bikers. Narrow hiking trails are open for those activities.