Less Than a Week to Go, Get Ready!

We have over one hundred early online registrations already and expect over two hundred people to participate in the Longest Day 5K. Early online registration closes at 5pm next Tuesday, June 20th. After that, you need to register the day of the race. This year the registrations will take place in the new outdoor classroom adjacent to the ballfield at the GNG middle school. Remember if you are a student in Gray or New Gloucester, you can run for free! If you are unfamiliar with the racecourse, you can view this course map. Walkers are welcomed and many folks like to just watch the action and festivities from the banks of the ballfield. After the race there is a gathering at Birchwood Brewing. It’s a fun night in Gray come on out!

Ski trails are groomed! Remember skiers only on trails, no dogs, hikers, or bikers. Narrow hiking trails are open for those activities.