Trail Connections to Thayer Brook Preserve Complete

Wednesday, July 6, 2022 – The new Thayer Brook Preserver completed a connection trail to Libby Hill Trails today with the help of RRCT’s Trail Crew. You will now see a new mini kiosk just beyond the marsh on the Outback trail. This new RRCT trail is called ‘Ridge Runner’ and connects down to the old ATV/Snowmobile trail which is now called the ‘Mill Trail’. The distance from the Outback to the parking area at Ramsdell Road is approximately one mile. You will also see a new mini kiosk on the Lynx Trail that is RRCT’s ‘Upper Trail’ which is clearly defined but blazing and connecting trail work has yet to be done. While final trail work is not complete, you are welcome to start exploring the new trails.

Much more to come in the next few days as the newest maps for Libby Hill and Thayer Brook get updated. Be sure to come to the grand opening this Saturday at 92 Ramsdell Road at 9:30am. Bring all your questions and ideas to the event and find out what’s next at Thayer Brook Preserve!

Ski Trails open with improving conditions, grooming in process between storms.