Category: News & Events

  • Public Works Fixes Drainage Issues

    Public Works Fixes Drainage Issues

    Many thanks to the Public Works crew who added gravel and a water bar cut at intersections of the ATV/Snowmobile trail and Moose Odessey trail. Mose Russo has also been busy removing trees dropped by the beavers at the pond by the middle school. Also, thanks to all who have been helping to remove the…

  • Fiddlehead School Discovers Libby Hill!

    Fiddlehead School Discovers Libby Hill!

    The Fiddlehead Fourth Grade explored the history of Libby Hill by looking for artifacts at the old foundation and learning about how granite was quarried nearby to build the walls of the foundation. They then conquered the peak of Libby Hill and learned about the 400-Footer Club. They also really enjoyed examining blocks in the…

  • Hike of Thayer Brook and Libby Hill Trails – Oct 29- 9 am

    Hike of Thayer Brook and Libby Hill Trails – Oct 29- 9 am

    We are getting lots of questions on how to access the new Thayer Brook Preserve from Libby Hill Trails. You now have many options to do loop hikes that can be from two to five miles long. We have a suggested hike page that outlines a hiking route from either the high school or Ramsdell…

Ski trails are groomed! Remember skiers only on trails, no dogs, hikers, or bikers. Narrow hiking trails are open for those activities.